Pendulous threads

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Dusk to Dawn

I wait by the sea.
The sands coalesce at my toes.
Winds blow from the East.
I look at the waters for easy company.

Easy come, easy go.
Not a care in the world.
Touching the shore for an instant,
And retreating in haste.

Prying eyes weigh down on my back.
I do my best to lose them.
The more I evade, the more they persist.
Eating me slowly. Parasite.

The rains come down now.
Slowly at first. And then they break loose.
The imprisonment of a thousand years breaks.
Wrecking sweet torrential havoc on my prime.

It washes me away,
Streaking my body in unnatural warmth.
I drench myself in my forsaken misery.
Smiling through the ordeal.

I have never known freedom.
I was never given any.
I opened my arms to the grey sky,
Begging to be embraced.

The sands at my feet are smoother now,
The rain refusing to betray me.
I gather the sand in clumps,
A constant reminder of my former self.

The eyes are distant now, but ever piercing.
Their glare fades with the coming light.
I gather my thoughts for a new hour,
Body perspiring with beads of aspiration.

The horizon looks fuller now,
Heralding in a new dawn.
I turn to walk in the direction of Home.
For I have to start over anew.

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