Pendulous threads

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I'm turning senile!!!! Mind does not comprehend the subtleties that it perceives in the extraordinary psychedelic hues. Fuck. I wish I was dead.

The deceiver knocks.
On your doorstep he beckons,
You to step into his mistake.
Congregated sorrow, overwhelming misery.
All converging in a condescending glare.

Outstretched fingers.
Seeking. The unfaithful.
Apocalyptic. You ride on.
The wagon stumbles incessantly,
On pins and needles.
Move on. Far beyond driven.

Hungry heart lusts for more.
Conscience a deterrent to this masquerade.
Eyes flee in blatant ignorance,
To realms unforeseen before.
Praying for luck to give way to intentions,
The soul hardens. Locked.
Transition complete.

Load for a new destiny.
See afar. Limited vision.
Ashes left behind on the wet grass,
Sizzle as they fade away.
From memory.
Into a dimension to be gathered until the journey is deemed done.

The link has collapsed.
You are now another.
Tears brim at the edges as the Sword cuts at flesh again.
Never-ending saga of deception shall continue.
And the pain shall pass

Monday, May 22, 2006


Chameleon colors lurk in the shadows.
Obscured by the coming night,
As they impale the foreign senses within.
To project a claustrophobic sight.

Straw hats in the bullion market.
Waving forth to beckon the wind.
Change engulfs a searing nation.
Distraught with fright and homophobic dreams.

And the nonchalant enemy leers at the prey.
Wiping his wipsy yellow mouth dry.
Contemplating his kill as the moon rises tonight.
Amidst black clouds in the smoke filled skies.

Angry fists and hoarded shouts.
Barrels a land of scholars nigh.
Retribution in blood is asked for again.
Deliverance shall be a matter of time.

Evil hides in the shadows it breeds,
Pregnant with schemes of domination still.
Crush the vermin with the feet,
Of Humanity.
Man triumphs again,
At will.

Sick and tired of this reservation crap. It's swaying the nation by the day and an oppressive government, with a de facto prime minister, who literally sniffs the feet of his leader, is trying to clamp down on rights of the nation. We must be heard. This technical evil needs to be stopped in it's tracks , otherwise humanity will become the veritable political bait for our croked politicians who will do anything to further their idiosyncratic needs.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

And herewith lies....

What is it that maketh the man? His pride? Demanour? Attitude? Disposition? Or the subtlety at handling daily ordinary chores in a not so ordinary way? I'm a human being with many a weaving down my back, and it hurts at times when I try to keep myself straight. I'm crooked. Intensely crooked. At times, I purposefully loathe myself for having deranged the life blood inside me. It makes me cringe, and then comes the pitfalls.... I realise that I'm not what I want to be. I just am not.

Very few of us are blessed to be granted a status in life where our prescence, and opinions, hold a certain value. We all crave for that point in life where the aforementioned might happen. But in reality, how many of us ARE really that blessed? Are we just pawns, at the vehement mercy of high society pricks who view us with nothing but scorn? Or are we individuals with a dire voice, just waiting to be listened? I'm one of the latter. I'm waiting to be listened. Grant me an ear and I shall regale you with the necessities of life. My Life. And we'll all find out that in someway or the other, we're not really set apart. Just a few pieces missing, that's all.

I need souls around me.Rehabilitation is not easy and it comes with a heavy price. I need to drain the listless life force inside me and forge it anew. Fast. I need help. Listen to me. Judge me. But I suggest, do not impale me.