Pendulous threads

Monday, March 03, 2008

Crane of thought

I'd rather it rained today.
The streets are flushed dry.
The rickshaws tyres are deflated due to the tepid heat.
The fruit seller has a busy time selling juicy cucumbers laced with rock salt.
I'd rather it rained today.

I'd rather not board the bus today.
So many people. So little time.
So little space. So many tales.
I'll try walking. And observe.
I'd rather not board the bus today.

I'd rather not work today,
And revel in my subjugation.
Surrounded by peering eyes behind thick ocular paraphernalia,
Made thicker by conformity and CRT radiation.
I'd rather not work today.

I'd rather not gorge on the same lunch today,
As I did the whole of last week.
Kanaida's noodles appeals to the tagged generation walking out of the flamboyant edifice.
Guess I'll be having baked flour marinated with soy and dressed with chicken.
I'd rather not gorge on the same lunch today.

I'd rather not stop by the pub tonight.
They stopped stocking Kingfisher Premium. Now it's all Dansberg and Budweiser.
I'll buy a few pints off Khokhon, sit in my compressed verandah
Under the sodium lights and crease my innards with the tar from the Regulars.
I'd rather not stop by the pub tonight.

I'd rather not watch the news tonight.
He says, she says, then he says again. She foulmouths him.
Someone fires an explosive rocket , claiming peace.
Another gets hanged for hanging others.
I'd rather not watch the news tonight.

I'd rather not listen to Meshuggah tonight.
I feel like Frusciante though.
Niandra Lades & Inside of Emptiness.
Free flowing, gut wrenchingly smooth, clear guitar work with subjective lyrics.
I'd rather not listen to Meshuggah tonight.

I'd rather not sleep tonight.
Tomorrow shall not ponder over my rancid needs.
I wish to see the fire rise at daybreak,
And provide impetus to the ebbing tide.
I'd rather not sleep tonight.

I'd rather we changed everyday,
Just a bit.
Add a little spark to an other wise predictable chain of thought.
I'd rather we altered ourselves everyday, just a bit,
To elicit a smile on the opposite face.


Anonymous said...

The monotony can be tiring, can't it?

archetype said...

Monotony is tiring.. break away.